Located in Bend, OR

Our mission is to prepare you for, and guide you through a transformative journey to a state of being beyond suffering and struggle. Opening the doors to greater love, understanding, and acceptance. Leading to the ability to navigate difficult challenges with ease.

Check out Mary’s monthly column in Bend’s alternative newspaper

The Source Weekly

  • Incredibly Safe and Transformative

    “Mary provided an incredibly safe and transformative experience. Her expertise and guidance during my psilocybin journey were exceptional. She created a safe and nurturing environment, and her deep understanding of psychedelics and their effects was evident throughout.” —Debi D

  • A Perfectly Curated Experience

    “Mary has a unique gift when it comes to facilitating a psychedelic journey. What she has done is true ART. Every small detail is perfectly curated to give you the best possible outcome. She had such a calming presence and was so in tune with my needs that any anxiety I had about the experience quickly faded away. I was able to fully relax and knew I was in good hands the entire time.” -Tambi A

  • I Have So Much Gratitude

    “I am so thankful for Mary! The thought and detail she put into every aspect of my experience not only helped me feel safe and supported before and during my ceremony but has helped with my integration process as well. The amount of ethic and care she puts into the process is really beautiful. I have so much gratitude and I would gladly send anyone her way who may be interested in a psychedelic journey.” -Pesley Millin

  • I Highly Recommend Mary

    “This was easily one of the best experiences of my life, and life changing at that. Mary was the perfect person to help me along my journey. From the first time I met with her I immediately was put at ease due to her comforting and caring personality. She is extremely knowledgeable and provided me with vast amounts of information and easily answered any question or concern I had. The amount of care and professionalism that went into this experience was much appreciated. I just wish I had done this sooner. I highly recommend Mary.” -Brandon Henkaline

  • Nothing Shy of Life Changing

    “Working with Mary in my psychedelic journey was nothing shy of thus far life changing. As a therapist for 12 years and having been in and out of my own therapy for the same amount of time - trying numerous modalities, approaches, clinicians, etc. - nothing was as impactful/catalyzing in my path to self-healing than my guided journey with Mary. Full disclosure: Mary is the first guide I have worked with so far and it was the first time I approached psychedelics with a therapeutic intention. That being said from the research I have done on psychedelics for therapeutic use and from what I have heard from others who have worked with other guides in the area the 'set,' 'setting,' preparation, and integration support that Mary provides (while also not interfering with the medicine and individual's journey through it) is spot on - or, more specifically, it was for me and what I was needing in my process. While everyone's psychedelic journey is different I would have zero hesitation in recommending Mary as a guide to anyone.” -Alex H.

  • Unimaginable Peace and Belonging

    “For the first time in my life I was able to reach unimaginable peace and a sense of belonging to something greater. I was able to see clearly that everything in my life is a choice and how I react to people, situations (past/present), and stimuli is under my power.

    The preparation I was provided allowed me to enter into the journey in a calm and open place for the outcomes to present themself. From our first conversation to ongoing integration, Mary’s approach has been almost divine insofar she seemed to be able to intuit what is needed before I could even ask.

    I now only hope that at least once in their lives, everyone may have the opportunity to feel what I have.” -Shannon Wise

  • Everything I Could Have Asked For

    “My experience with Myco-Vision was everything I could have asked for, and more. Mary's attention to detail throughout the process and the experience was top notch. I would give Mary and Myco-Vision 6 stars if I could. I'm grateful for having found her!” -Dennis Miller

“Psychedelics are illegal not because a loving government is concerned that you may jump out of a third-story window. Psychedelics are illegal because they dissolve opinion structures and culturally laid down models of behavior and information processing. They open you up to the possibility that everything you know is wrong.”
― Terence McKenna, American ethnobotanist and mystic