The Myco-Vision Journey

 We prioritize building trust, open communication, and understanding each individual's unique needs, goals, and situation.

At Myco-Vision, we understand the importance of a comprehensive and personalized approach to psychedelic coaching. Our process consists of intake and screening, preparation, the journey session, and integration—each step crafted with care to provide a nurturing and transformative experience tailored to your unique needs and aspirations.

The journey begins with the crucial steps of intake and screening. We take the time to truly know you—understand your intentions, desires, and any concerns you may have. Through this process, we not only assess compatibility but also ensure that we can offer the support you need. It's a meaningful dialogue where we strive to create a foundation built on trust, vulnerability, and mutual understanding.

Once we've established a strong connection, we move on to the preparation phase—a deepening of our relationship and a setting of the stage for your psychedelic experience. Together, we explore various aspects of your inner world, shedding light on your patterns, beliefs, and practices. We guide you through centering practices that cultivate presence and relaxation in your body, heart, and mind to carry with you into the journey session. 

During the preparation phase, the goal it is clarify, and set your intentions for the upcoming journey while keeping an open mind and following the path that unfolds with curiosity and trust, detached from expectations. Oftentimes one preparation session (2-3hrs) is sufficient, but commonly more preparation is needed and additional sessions are encouraged and occasionally necessary before a journey session. If the fit is right, we will support you to get there and work with you on the way. If our offerings are not in alignment with your needs we will warmly point you in the direction of a practitioner who may be a better fit. 

And now, the journey session—the heart of the Myco-Vision experience. This is where the personalized ceremony comes into play, guiding you with intention and purpose into your transformative journey. Lasting 6-10 hours, it invites you to dive deep into altered states of consciousness and explore the expansiveness of your inner world. As you embark on this adventure of self-discovery and transformation, you are guided by your conscious, unconscious, spiritual, and eternal self. This is accompanied by guided movement, meditation, and breathing techniques, allowing you to open up and connect with different layers of your being.

With the full support of our expert team, you enter the dosing session in a safe and comfortable space. Whether you choose to lay down or find another position that feels right for you, we ensure your well-being and comfort throughout the entire process. We support this by offering a carefully curated selection of poetry, prose, philosophy, affirmations, or spiritual texts. These works speak directly to your true nature, strengths, and focus, creating a profound and personal connection with the material. As you relax and absorb these words, the journey commences with a nurturing sound bath or other auditory support, creating an environment that encourages relaxation and exploration. 

Throughout the dosing session, we offer continuous support and guidance, attentively monitoring your experience. While the details of this internal journey may vary for each individual, our unwavering presence and commitment to your well-being remain constant. We hold space for you with loving kindness and non-judgment as you navigate the depths of your consciousness, opening up new avenues of understanding and self-reflection.

As the dosing session comes to an end, we meet you on the other side to help you ground and accompany you towards integration. We encourage you to take the time to absorb and reflect on your experience. Our compassionate space allows you to explore the significance of your insights and begin the integration process, paving the way for lasting personal growth.

At Myco-Vision, our commitment to your ongoing growth extends beyond the dosing session. We provide integration sessions to further support you in exploring and integrating the wisdom gained from your journey. Whether you choose a single session or a series, we tailor our approach to your unique needs and goals.

The journey with Myco-Vision is a transformative one, guided by an authentic, introspective, and candid process aimed at fostering personal growth and exploration. We invite you to embark on this extraordinary journey of self-discovery—an exploration of your inner world with the support of our compassionate team every step of the way.

“When I speak of ancient healing technologies, that is exactly what [psilocybin mushrooms] are. They’ve been on the planet for thousands and thousands of years. Your mushroom spores are 460 million years older than any other plant or fungi. They’re making a huge psychedelic renaissance right now because we need the help. We are in trouble. A lot of people are suffering from anxiety and depression and PTSD, and just life seems to be harder to live as opposed to dying.”

—Ayana Lyi, healer, organizer, and founder of the Detroit Psychedelic Conference