The Myco-Vision Mission

In the quest for personal growth and self-discovery, we often tread a serious path through hardships, immense effort, and pain.

Yet, there is another dimension to this journey, one that embraces laughter, deep connection, and a deep sense of ease that is often overlooked, at our peril…

This way of seeing our way on the path is what we call Myco-Vision. To embark on the path of Myco-Vision is to embrace self-control, equity, reason, honesty, and compassion. It requires us to remain open-minded and flexible, while also holding our boundaries and ethics with unwavering strength. And amidst it all, Myco-Vision envelops us in an essence of laughter – laughter at ourselves, at the absurdity of life, and at the challenges we face. Through this laughter, we lower our defenses, open our eyes, and step outside of our egos, situations, opinions, and patterns. we are reminded to find joy and playfulness amidst the challenges we encounter, for laughter is a powerful force that heals, uplifts, and brings people together.

When we begin to truly see, not just superficially but with depth and clarity, the interwoven tapestry of existence.

When we embody Myco-Vision, we gain a profound capacity to navigate the complexities and intricacies of life. It acts as a key that unlocks the hidden potential within us, igniting a spark of growth and transformation. It’s more than just a personal practice; it is an essential calling for humanity in this critical moment of our history. As we face the imminent threats of societal collapse and the survival of our species hangs in the balance, it becomes crucial for each one of us to decide how we will show up and conduct ourselves. We can still make a positive impact. We can, and must, act honorably, proceed with bravery, and extend love, honor, and care to one another, our communities, and the environment.

We are being called to honor and embrace authenticity, vulnerability, and the inherent beauty that resides in each of us.

One of the most remarkable aspects of Myco-Vision is its power to enable a growing understanding of the connection of all things. It reveals the interwoven threads that bind us to one another and to the natural world around us. This journey can’t help but to be a catalyst for personal growth and positive change; seeing beyond our immediate circumstances and delving into the impact of our actions. We become inspired to explore the ways in which our choices and actions ripple out into the world, fostering a sense of responsibility and a desire to make a positive difference.

The gifts of Myco-Vision are not destinations; They are the start of ongoing journeys

It serves as a powerful tool to cultivate resilience and adaptability, enabling us to navigate the ever-changing tides of life. Ultimately, Myco-Vision offers us a new lens through which we can perceive life — a lens that reveals infinite possibilities and opportunities for growth. So, embrace the laughter, connect deeply, love boldly, and step onto the path of Myco-Vision.

Are you ready to embark on this enlightening and joyful journey of personal growth? Let us venture forth into the unknown with open hearts and open minds, guided by the transformative power that lies within each of us.

“Although many of us think of psychedelics as dangerous drugs, it’s time for a rethink. They are non-toxic, non-addictive, have very few side effects, and could potentially offer relief for people suffering from a range of psychological difficulties.”

—Dr. Rosalind Watts, Ph.D., Founder of ACER Integration, clinical psychologist, and former clinical lead for Imperial College psilocybin trial